ITL Total Security Return & Cancellation Policy

What is the ITL Total Security Return & Cancellation Policy?

  • If you are not satisfied with ITL Total Security or have any complaints, please let us know. Our refund policy includes a 100% refund.
  • If you’ve purchased ITL Total Security through either of our payment gateways and are still not satisfied, you will get a full refund within 60 days of the date of purchase.
  • If you return your ITL Total Security purchase and/or receive a refund, you agree to uninstall and delete all copies of this software from your system and/or any other system this product has been licensed to. The license may also be disabled for further use.
  • To get a full refund or to initiate a refund, contact ITL Total Security support team at

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

  • You are eligible for a full refund if you’ve purchased a 1 year license of ITL Total Security.
  • This 60-day money back guarantee applies if you have purchased a ITL Total Security subscription with a one-year term and only when you initiate a refund within 60-days of your date of purchase.
  • A full refund is limited to the current subscription term.

Please don't hesitate to contact ITL Total Security Support for assistance. It is the fastest way to request a refund.

Exceptions to the Return & Cancellation Policy

The following are not applicable for a refund:

  • When you’re initiating a return after 60 days from the date of purchase.
  • When the ITL Total Security license expires.
  • When you do not provide your order ID and/or associated email id (used at the time of purchase of license key).

ITL Total Security Protection Promise

ITL Total Security is an Antivirus which offers complete protection for your system. In the unlikely event that we are unable to protect your system, you may be entitled to a refund of the ITL Total Security subscription. In order to be entitled for a refund, the following terms and conditions apply:

  • You must purchase, renew or upgrade your qualifying ITL Total Security subscription directly from, or subscribe to the ITL Total Security Automatic Renewal Service with your qualifying ITL Total Security subscription.
  • Your refund will be based on the actual price paid for the current term of your qualifying ITL Total Security subscription.
  • Proof of purchase is required if you have purchased the product from a third party.

ITL Total Security Subscription Cancellation

  • You may unsubscribe from your ITL Total Security subscription at any time by contacting ITL Total Security Support.
  • Keep in mind if you unsubscribe, your subscription will not automatically renew. However, your ITL Total Security subscription will continue for the remaining days in your existing (already paid for) subscription term. You may be eligible for a refund in accordance with our money back guarantee(s) above.
  • To get a full refund or to initiate a refund, contact ITL Total Security support team at

Get Assistance

  • Visit ITL Total Security Support for help with our product orders.